When it went too far
I’ve been posting a lot so I promise I’ll chill for a little! But I have to share this story. I was talking to a dom about how hot it would be to be outed to the girls I was talking to, just thinking it would be kinky fun and nobody would actually do it. Well- he did. I had never been more humiliated but it was such a rush
Originally posted 2024-06-14 17:13:27.
Disclaimer- it’s not cool to send people explicit content without consent, this was entirely too far. But boy was it exciting 😭
What was her response?
One just acted like nothing happened, the other reached out and was like “hey are you okay”
I had to play it off 😅
It does sound very exciting but was probably too far
Yeahhhh I’ll always have the memory and the excitement but not something that should happen again 😭
Not without their consent.
all extended dear!
Thank you!
Extended sweetie
This is exactly what all sissies and faggots deserve
I agree!