Dear Fags, Sissies, losers and exhibitionists
Our new Info reveal feature is HERE!. You can see how it works below. There will be 1 field for regular users and 3 total fields with a sequential reveal depending on how you set it. The last reveal having an image also.
This can be used for hardcore info and maybe a license and phone number to your boss. Use with caution!
This is your input area
- In field 1 you see first info reveal and I set to reveal on the post AFTER 25 extensions!
- Then I set the NEXT info reveal to post 10 extensions AFTER the reveal of info 1.
- Then I set the last info with pic to reveal to 25 extensions after the 2nd reveal. So ALL info will be revealed after a total of 60 extensions!
This is the post pre reveal.
This is the post after 2 reveals.
This is the post with all reveals and Image.
If you are on a locked profile or do this on a blackout post then Ill remind you, YOU are FUCKED if you chicken out! $100 fee for me to edit the reveal. $200 to delete the post! So be careful!
Nikki’s Reveal edging for extreme fags!
Nikki will be offering something for extreme fags!
- Nikki obtains info from fag willing to take the risk. ( Home phone#, employers phone#, ex girlfriends email and images ) you may not want posted. Passport, License, etc!
- Nikki hijacks your normal OR Blackout post and sets the info reveal fields with each field revealing more and more info
- Fag/Sissy/Loser sits and watches the post as the extensions get close to each reveal, tiny cock in hand and scared shitless.
- As it gets closer to info 1,2 or FINAL with image, member can BEG and pay Nikki ( amount pre determined but pushed ) to add more extensions so make it last longer. This can go on forever ( hence the edging! OR post can be taken down for fee!
Originally posted 2024-06-19 21:21:24.