1. In field 1 you see first info reveal and I set to reveal on the post AFTER 25 extensions!
  2. Then I set the NEXT info reveal to post 10 extensions AFTER the reveal of info 1.
  3. Then I set the last info with pic to reveal to 25 extensions after the 2nd reveal. So ALL info will be revealed after a total of 60 extensions!

Nikki will be offering something for extreme fags!

  1. Nikki obtains info from fag willing to take the risk. ( Home phone#, employers phone#, ex girlfriends email and images ) you may not want posted. Passport, License, etc!
  2. Nikki hijacks your normal OR Blackout post and sets the info reveal fields with each field revealing more and more info
  3. Fag/Sissy/Loser sits and watches the post as the extensions get close to each reveal, tiny cock in hand and scared shitless.
  4. As it gets closer to info 1,2 or FINAL with image, member can BEG and pay Nikki ( amount pre determined but pushed ) to add more extensions so make it last longer. This can go on forever ( hence the edging! OR post can be taken down for fee!

Originally posted 2024-06-19 21:21:24.