Cock Tribute For Tina

An Alpha Male took some of faggot Tina’s pictures and rubbed his swollen cock all over them and jerked off to them, before sending some of the pictures to faggot Tina to add to her subjugation and humiliation. Rumor has it this Sissy faggot is so depraved that she is nearly helpless to resist a request of anyone who sends her their cock tribute pictures to KIK SissyTinaC
Originally posted 2024-01-25 16:23:14.
Your post just got more time! Welcome aboard!
Support us for enhanced experiences! 
Extended all
Thanks Michele
Thanks Sasha
Extended again
I am very grateful
I love tributes too… extended!
Oh I just love tributes when I get them wish I could get many more.
Extended all
Thanks Casar
Thanks Dane
Extended again
Extended your wide open fucklips and pink tongue waiting for a big load
Oh my, such talk is causing me to leak into my panties.
That’s why the cage stays locked too! Ever check your kik?
extended them all!
Thank you trucker guy
Extended again!
Extended !
Extended all and this one repinned
One more day for you.
Thanks again everyone
A d of course all extended
And of course thank you as always
Many of your posts nearing or at 20 years! What do you think?
Honestly don’t know what to think, is this normal? Does everyone get ex
Exposed like this?
Extended all
Mmmmm extended Al again
Another post at nearly 30 years. The extensions are really adding up!
Extended to 30 years now. I hope to do this for 40, 50, 60 … years also
All extended! As Casar mentioned, soon many of your posts will see 40 years. Then we work on 50.
38 years now, 40 will come soon
Soon 40 years on here. Just extended this black bitch internet whore. Wish I could fill her cunt mouth with my sissy cum.
Some more days for all your exposures
That is a suckable looking cock x
Extended all
re extended everything
, please extend me too
My pins would need multiple daily extensions to last them for years, thanks to all those friends. I haven’t been extended too long yet!
Extended all again
Another post that nears 50 years. Soon you will join the ranks of those permanently extended beyond 50+ years
Extended still beautiful tina
All extended once more for Tina’s tingling pleasure.
Extended all

Hey Tina all extended again

All posts have been extended to your liking, Sissy Tina. I was happy to be the faggot who can send these posts to 60 years old. Now I can reciprocate with you
All extended once more as well, Sissy Tina.
Extended all.
Extended of course!

Thank you
So fire! Had to extend this! Please repin my post!
Hmmm!! Extended again!
Please follow me!