Chastity Sissy Donna feminized and exposed – extend if you wish!
I hope no one wants to extend my sissification and my post expires. Otherwise, like in so many of my other posts, I will end up extended for years and found in google images.
Originally posted 2024-01-07 08:58:52.
Extended and over the 1 year mark. You’ll be here forever sweetie
I’m really regretting this. My posts are everywhere
3 years full
I can’t believe it! Everyone can see my locked micropenis, big belly, women’s skinny jeans, little tits and face.
Hey fag, you have been extended, thanks for your support in upgrading to Semi-Risk.
Haha, extended all again
Please! I posted this 10 days ago and I’m already at 5 years!
Another 10 days and you are at 10 years
Must be so embarrassing to know about that
Extended again
Extended for you! Thanks for your support!
Thanks for your upgrade! Your post now has more life!
It might expire in 12 years
Congratulations, 18 years in 28 days!
That’s long enough now. Please no more extensions. I’m so humiliated
You have so many posts for over 20 years. And they all will be on 30 years very soon. Of course this post will be there too
Wow 27 years and counting, you will be exposed the rest of your sissy life, btw I am extending all of your posts again.
Please don’t even say it! Please don’t extend.
You should smile into the camera. So many people see you.
Exposed for life
More time for the tiny dick f*g.
Extended all again. 50 years of exposure is not enough for you
Extended again
This pin is also going to make the century mark.
55 years and counting
More extensions for all posts
You look so sexy feminized, you were born for this look.
Don’t I look better as a big strong alpha male?
60 years a fag, sounds like a movie title.
Extended all

Extended all
Thank you, Sir!
Wow extended